My science-based techniques offer deep work with less discomfort and better results.

I am committed to uncovering the source of your pain, so you can relax, knowing it won't return. Book an appointment with me today and experience my advanced assessments, bodywork, and customized protocols that come with 2o+ years of experience. You'll receive the best care in town and an experience where you're cared for on every level. There are two extremes in how I work – Integrative Massage and Deep Tissue. Typically your massage will fall somewhere in between these two. I’ll use all the tools and knowledge at my disposal to address whatever issues you may have on that day. It's not just getting an incredible massage, it's an experience. 


Integrative Massage

If you want to relax completely, maybe even go into a semi-conscious dream state, this is the type of massage for you. It's the perfect way to reset your parasympathetic nervous system back to zero, and it reduces the overall effects of stress on your body.

Don't think this is simply a “fluff and buff” massage, because it's much more than that. I'll soften many knots and break up adhesions in connective tissue to increase range and ease of motion. I may use acupressure and trigger point techniques as well as some energy work. I proceed very slowly, quietly and intuitively – only checking in on occasion regarding pressure. Think of this as working on groups of muscles to achieve greater ease of movement as well as stress reduction.

I highly recommend at least 90 minutes for this type of massage, but I can work wonders in an hour, too.

  • 1 hour: $95.00

  • 1 hour 30 minutes: $135.00

  • 2 hours: $160.00

Deep Tissue/Trigger Point/Structural Alignment

This is a focused and interactive massage. We’ll set goals together that usually take multiple sessions to accomplish. These goals may even change as we progress through the work. I’ll spend more time before the massage talking with you about how you use your body as well as observing your movement and posture before and after the massage.

I’ll call for active motion from you while I'm working and check in much more often about comfort and pressure. I may only address 2 or 3 muscles during the session, and you might spend as little as 15-20 minutes on the table. I'll also suggest stretches, movement or other homework as well as different ways you can use your body while doing your normal work and activities to maintain optimum alignment and flexibility. This type of massage is focused more on individual muscles, but can also be very relaxing. It is not simply “more pressure”.

  • 30 Minutes Power Neck and Shoulders Deep Tissue: $80.00

  • 1 hour: $110.00

  • 1 hour 30 minutes: $155.00

Pre-Natal/Pregnancy Massage

Addressing the needs of expecting moms. This work is typically performed while you lie on your side and will vary depending on where you are in your pregnancy. Every woman is different, and I always focus on individual needs. 

  • 1 hour 15 minutes: $120.00 


Reflexology can enhance your health and relax your body and mind through pressure points located on the feet and hands. The application of pressure to these reflex zones assists your body in healing and regenerating itself. It is not simply a foot massage.

  • 60 minutes: $95.00


Put your stress to rest at Watts Massage & Bodywork in Durham NC.

Do you know what it feels like when your muscles truly relax? Or what about the sensation of having no pain in your back, neck, shoulders, or knees? Can you imagine experiencing increased energy and alertness, lower heart rate, blood pressure, and stress levels?

If not, it's time for you to experience the benefits of massage therapy for yourself. Massage therapy is a natural way to relieve stress and enhance your overall health. Whether you're recovering from an injury or simply seeking relaxation after a long day at work, my goal is to help you feel your best by offering a safe space for you to relax, heal, and reconnect with yourself. Your happiness, health, confidence, and connection to your body and mind are of utmost importance to me.

I value a holistic approach to massage therapy, fueled by education, with a clear focus on helping you live your life to the fullest.